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Time and The Theory Of Everything

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
- Steve Jobs

They say time is money. I've been hearing about this for all my life but not until I re-framed my thinking about time.

I did not realize the value of time before. I thought the cliche quote about time is money only applies to businessmen, because they are the ones making money anyways.

But as soon as I grasped the value of time and how it affects everything in our lives gave me a different lens in looking at the world.

One time when I was in the shower, something struck me. I remembered a person telling me that she doesn't have time. I was meditating on the idea of time for a while back then. That could someone really be out time? And then a eureka moment arrived. I realized that when people say 'I don't have time' what they really mean to say is that 'I don't have the energy.'

Pondering about time fascinated me since then.

We all have 24 hours in a day. And being an employee, I realized that if you sleep 8 hours a day, and work 8 hours a day, what is left is 8 hours. Some people travel to work and have a whopping 4 hours of travel time. Given that, that will leave you 4 hours left. If that person eats three times in a day and spends 1 hour per meal, that's 3 hours burned. Leaving him 1 hour. I wonder how would he/she spend that 1 hour?

Some people spend in social media websites like Facebook for an hour. Not to mention others like Instagram, Snapchat, Wechat and others.

So, I have arrived in the idea that if you are an employee, you only have 8 hours in a day.

They say that time is money and after thinking about it for some time I finally understood what it means: that we should consider time as valuable like money.

We are too focused on money that we don't consider time as a currency; something that has value.

I realized that if you managed your time, you will manage your money.

What you do with most of your time defines what you do with your money.

And it's not all about the money. I discovered that time is the price for relationships. You cannot build any relationship without time. Whether it is a mother and son, father and son, friend. You can't build relationship without it. Your presence, thus your time, is the price.

It also applies to our dreams. Time is the price to our dreams. What we do most of our time defines the success of our dreams. It is the only asset that we have, we just have to think of a way on how we can turn it, or use it, into something useful, like money.

I remember the movie based on the life of Stephen Hawkins: The Theory of Everything.

That time is the key to everything that we want in life. Whether material or non-material. It all involves time.

There are three finite things in life:
1. Time
2. Attention
3. Money

We should know how to spend them wisely.

As the Bible says:
Matthew 13:12
"Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them."

Those who are grateful and appreciate time that they have will be given more, those who complain and only sees what they don't have, time will be taken from them.


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Keith Fajardo
Keith is a software developer who aspires to be a CEO someday :)